happy new year lovelies! it's a brand new year forget about all the unhappiness in your life and continue fighting with life with a smile on your face. ☺
see those babes up there? yeah, spend my last day of 2011 with them. leona came over to my place first. headed down to town after that, had din tai fung for dinner. we were deciding where to go for the count down, wanted to go to marina barrage but idk why we didn't either. the crowd there wasn't that bad as compared to christmas. kind of pity those police officers patrolling around cause they don't get to count down with their loved ones. went to the event at taka. ok i'm not being racist here or what but there were a lot of indians there. it was kind of scary. at first we didn't really have the mood to count down cause it dosen't even feels like the last day of 2011. after the 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 shit we were all kind of high. we were jumping up and down like some bunnies. you see the man in his 60s in the first photo? he's really cute, he was standing at the idk what it's called and he started dancing! cool or whut?
wanting couldn't stay over so the three of us went to serene to meet deanna. bought mac for supper. deanna was the first one to sleep followed by liangle then idk. for the first time, leona wasn't the first to sleep. we were watching the 48 hours spongebob marathon, i sound like a little girl but.. slept at 6plus. deanna left at 8 to meet her mum.
went to town again with leona + liangle. liangle was craving for din tai fung so we had that for lunch! got my school bag from heeren, now i have 2 bags and idontknow which to use. :|
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