ok, enugh of that. i've been going out everyday ever since i came back from thailand. peach and prim left singapore on the 24th while vionna stayed till the 28th if i'm not wrong.
we went to the merlion because peach wanted to go there, it's my first time there! went to universal studios with the three of them. there's this new transformers 4D ride, it's the coolest shit i've ever seen. you guys should watch it if you're going there. not forgetting the roller coaster, human and cylon. it was my first time sitting on the human one although i've been there four times. ok, i sound like some.. but i'm afraid of drops ever since i sat on the viking in dream world. afterall, i still prefer the cylon.
been shopping non stop with vionna. needtostopspendingmoney. i hate it whenever i buy a whole lot of shit and when i get home there's nothing. where did all my tops fly too.
wednesday. had lunch at seoul garden with the wanting shahirah jiahui and leona. as usual, we stayed there for hours. leona came over to my place to sleep over. she sleeps like a gorila, she can never stay awake man seriously. she's always sleeping so early. stupid bitch.
went out the next day with her + wanting + liangle. they bought their school bags and we decided to go to sentosa since there's nothing much to do. did i mention how i much i love going to beaches?
spend my last friday of 2011 with my babes. caught sherlocks holmes at cathay and i barely understood the movie. ended up at kfc instead of watching alvin at the chipmunks. walked around town.
omg, time flies. it's already the last day of 2011 today, this is the fastest year ever. this year was pretty fucked up but fun in a way. the thought of me having to sit for olevels next year really scares me. hahah, i feel so old now. i hope 2012 will better year. please please please be a good year for everyone. let's start the year right by being happy! chin up lovelies. :-)