i've got so many things to blog about! let's start with how i celebrated halloween this year. trick or treat with leona and deanna. leona's a witch while deanna's a nerd and i'm a devil! went down to holland v to buy face paint and other stuffs. the dressing up part was damn fun. leona's black eye was damn funny and i was the one who did it for her. we didn't have a lot of treats, some of them were pretty friendly while some just closed their curtain and ignored us. bitch please! cab-ed down to scape, had kfc for dinner and went home after that.
poa briefing at republic poly on one of the weekdays last week! if i'm not wrong, it's a wednesday. mrt-ed all the way too woodlands. had longjohns for lunch with msriza delphine caroline and leona. we were being complete retards on our way back home. caroline left for church while delphine and i headed to leona's house to slack.
thursday. lunch at dintaifung with msho delphine caroline and leona. it was our last lesson with her, she's leaving for another school. hopefully we'll still be able to meet up with her, she's like one of the nicest teacher i know! she treated us dintaifung so we treated her coldstone in return. i was suppose to change my phone cause it's cocked up. she followed us there and she even wrote a letter for me. queued up for like idk how long and in the end they say i can't change my phone. psh, whatheshit! i hope it dosent die on me. ok, i'm going to miss msho.
friday + saturday. went over to caroline's place to bake cupcakes. they decided to stay over at my place, it was super last minute. had dinner at crystal jade, the service there is like shit so they were practically looking down on us just because we're students. homed at eleven plus, we were planning to watch pa3 and do all the crazy shit at night till 6 then get to sleep. ok, plain fail. didn't watch pa3 because leona was too scared. didn't stay up till 6, we stayed up till 2/3 instead. had lunch at adam then went over to caroline's place to swim. i went home to change and we went for mass -idk how to spell- after that at caroline's church.
sunday. town with leona to get caroline's present. leona left for tuition after that so i was alone at town. a l o n e, first time in my whole life. ok, i was alone for one hour. wts, i sound like some loner. something damn funny happened between the one hour, went to find my mum after that. walked around town with her + her friend. went shopping with her after that. it's been ages since i last went to dempsey. had dinner at some thai restaurant!
tuesday. school as usual. cab-ed down to her house, played with sunday and brought him for grooming. there's this black poodle there which is damn cute. caroline said it'll turn blind. ok, hopefully nothing will happen to that poodle! kbox with the birthday girl delphine mahirah and leona. brendan and douglas came with a cake to surprise her! we were suppose to sing her a birthday song with the mike but idk why we didn't! she left for dinner while we continued singing.
hi sweetheart, i don't know if you'll see this but still happy birthday! i still can't get over the fact that i texted you ' hbd ' . sorry i was busy! anyway, i hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday. stop being such a bimbo and start studying ok. i know this is damn short but if i continue typing i'll be repeating whatever i wrote in that piece of paper. heheh, loveyou! ☺