Have fun when you're in hongkong bestie, i'll miss you ! Dont think so much okay, im here . Take care, iloveyou ! <:
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Alright, i shall update my blog so it wouldnt be so dead . Schools starting soon and that sucks ! Holidays are way better than school . Going back to singapore in 9 days, according to leonasoh . Vionna's going to sleepover, awesome much huh . I think i'll be going to shop with my cousin tomorrow, hopefully there wont be any last minute changes . Looking forward to it ! Some pig's sleeping now, sleep tight ass . There's something wrong with skype, therefore i cant skype with bestie .
Sunday, December 19, 2010
So long since i updated my blog . Theres something wrong with my charger, so i havent been using my comp for the past two weeks . Yeah, and that sucks . Im using my brother's charger now . I've been super moody for the past few days, lifes a bitch . I miss sg, i want to go back .
Hi bestie, i dont know if you'll see this . But still, cheer up iloveyou . <:
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Hi, i've decided to update my dead blog ! Got into 3D with Deanna Leona & Caroline . Kind of satisfied cause at least we're going to the same class next year . But i'm not taking amath, kind of sucky huh . Hahah, but i doubt i'll be able to cope with amath so yah . Movie marathon with bestie last night through skype . This holiday totally suck man, cause i've got no freedom . Last year's one was waywayway better ! At least i was able to go out everyday . :(
Hi bestie ! You somehow dedicated a post to me ? So yeah, here's one for you ! Thanks for always being there for me, standing by me . Cheering me up when i'm down, making me smile even on days i'm really not in the mood too . I really love those times we had together, laughing at one another . All those h2h talks we had at mac / coro / busrides / phone / msn . Yeah, indeed we've been through a lot . All those arguments we had, those times when we attitude one another . But we're still as close as ever ! Cheer up, whatever it is you can always talk to me . Dont thank me for stuff like that alright, thats what i'm suppose to do idiot ! ( I know im doing the same thing, but i'm ought to thank you ) Hehee, iloveyou . Stay strong, don't you ever give up in yourself anymore ! Heeya, remember this ? ;)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Schools finally over ! Time really flies huh . Well, lifes pretty fucked up now a days . Ahhhh, its okay . Hopefully, i'll get over with this shit soon . I'll miss 2ceeeee, its awesome ! Love those times we had together, disturbing one another, disturbing teachers etcetc . I remember how we used to throw all the greentea bottles and wrappers in the cupboard ! Heehee, love those mini heart to heart talks i had with monana . She's awesome ! Yay, holidays finally here . Hopfeully i can spend time w clique & cocole . I want to shop badly ! Okay, went for mtp thingy today . It wasnt that bad . My results kinda suck, its okay i'll work harder next year . Thats what i said last year, in the end slacked like some shit . Ahhh, i got to stop being so lazy .
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blame myself for believing you

Today was fucked up, fmlfmlfml ! Ahhh, cant stand my mum . I know i'm mean, but.. Okay, enough of that . Woke up slightly late today, rush like mad . School was alright, went for choir after that . I'm so tired now, im going to sleep early tonightttt . :(
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
this is who we are
Monday, October 11, 2010
Geeksclique ♥

Exam's finally over, yayyyyy ! I totally screwed all my papers up . Ahhhh, esp math and englishpaper1 . I didnt finish my chinesepaper2 today . 10+ marks fly already . HAHAH, dumbdumbdumb ! Stupid me . No point crying over spilt milk so i'll just whinewhinewhineandwhine like a crazybitch . I know its irritating . Okay, i was just kidding . Its already over, toooolateeeetooooooregrettttt . Pray hard that i'll pass every paper, i think its kind of impossible but still ! Hahah, i'm like talking to myself . Thisisretarded . Went out with clique today, it was awesome ! Heheh, 111-ed there we were matchmaking zhudaoxin with youknowho . Went for breakfast today, we were having a minihearttohearttalk . Deanna drank milo only cause she was on a diet . Walked around 313 / Ion / Take / Wisma / Cineleisure . We were laughing like some madasses . Ohyes, we were really noisy ! HAHAH, we camwhored like mad too ! Leona's a bigbigbig retard but she's really cute ! Pictures at facebook . Went home after that, i want to have freedom . I dont know whats with my mother ! Ahhh, can't stand her not letting me out . Awesome day we had together, we should have more outings and h2htalks ! ♥
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